NTB - A total of two letters of recommendation for interim replacement (PAW) of members of the Central Lombok DPRD were submitted ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).
Secretary of the Central Lombok DPRD, Suhadi Kana, said that his party had accepted the two PAW proposal letters. The two members of the Central Lombok DPRD who were PAW were Lalu Muhiban from the Gerindra Party faction and Riyan Ferdiansyah from the Berkarya Party.
"Yes, we have received a letter of proposal from PAW from the Gerindra Party faction and the Berkarya Party," he said in Praya, NTB, Thursday, July 20, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said that the PAW proposal file submitted by Gerindra and Berkarya was then checked for the completeness of the administrative requirements documents.
After that, his party wrote to the Central Lombok KPU to obtain a replacement name for the PAW proposal.
"Who is proposed for a replacement, we are waiting for the KPU letter, if in terms of the highest voting rules under the DPRD members in PAW," he said.
He said his party was still unable to provide further explanation regarding the reasons for the two members of the Central Lombok DPRD proposed by PAW.
"The proposed PAW is still in process," he said.
To note, Central Lombok DPRD member Lalu Muhiban resigned from Gerindra to run in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) through another party. Gerindra also proposed Muhiban be carried out by PAW.
Meanwhile, Central Lombok DPRD member Riyan Ferdiansyah was involved in a drug abuse case, so PAW proposed it by the management of the Berkarya Party.
"So far, the KPU has not received a letter regarding the plan for PAW for the two members of the Central Lombok DPRD," said Central Lombok KPU chairman Lalu Darmawan.
He said the PAW process was the right of a political party, the KPU only facilitated in accordance with the request letter submitted by a political party, while the reason for PAW to resign, die, and be dismissed from political parties.
"Parpol submitted a letter to the DPRD, then only submitted it to the KPU," he said.
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