JAKARTA - Joe Biden's government plans to review the United States (US) policy in Cuba. This was said by the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Thursday, January 28 local time.

This marks an opportunity for communication between Cuba and the United States, to improve relations between the two countries that had improved during the era of President Barack Obama, and tense under President Donald Trump.

While serving as the US President, Trump tightened restrictions on US travel and remittances to Cuba. He also imposed sanctions on shipping Venezuelan oil to Cuba.

In fact, nine days before his term ended, Trump returned Cuba to the list of countries sponsoring terrorism. Things that could complicate Joe Biden's peace efforts

“Our Cuban policy is governed by two principles. First, support for democracy and human rights will be at the core of our efforts. The second is that Americans, especially Cuban Americans, are the best ambassadors for freedom in Cuba. So we are going to review the policies of the Trump administration", White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at a news conference, according to Al Jazeera.

Last week, a top official in Cuba told Reuters Cuba hoped the Joe Biden Administration would reverse President Donald Trump's hardline approach and continue the policies of President Barack Obama's administration.

For your information, since Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, the United States 'froze' relations with Cuba. In 2015, President Barack Obama established communications and removed Cuba from the US blacklist.

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