The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police revealed the mode of storing 10 kilograms of methamphetamine and ecstasy in the car for transactions with the "ranjau" system without meeting between the dealer and the buyer.

"We found two units of 'double cabin' type cars that stored a total of 102 packages of crystal methamphetamine as much as 8,711.33 grams or approximately 8.7 kilograms and 4,157 ecstasy pills weighing 1,564.65 grams or 1.5 kilograms so that the total was 10,275.98 grams or 10.2 kilograms," said South Kalimantan Police Narcotics Investigation Director Kombes Tri Wahyudi as reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 17.

The owner of two cars that held drugs with the initials TH (34) who was arrested by the Sub-Directorate Team 2 of the Narcotics Directorate of the South Kalimantan Police, led by AKBP Zaenal Arifien.

TH was initially arrested while making transactions of four packages of methamphetamine weighing 401.6 grams using a sedan type car on Jalan MT Haryono Banjarmasin.

Then from his confession, it turned out that there were still drugs stored in two cars parked on Jalan Pemurus Complex Purnama, Kertak Hanyar District, Banjar Regency and on Jalan Asang Permai KM 11 Asang Permai Residence Complex, Gambut District, Banjar Regency.

The results of the development of officers through the investigation method "scientific cyber analysis", the TH suspect who lives in Gambit District, Banjar Regency, has many suspicious transactions.

The officer's deepening is in line with the confession of the suspect who has earned an income of Rp. 760 million from the proceeds from the sale of the drugs, while in the three ATM cards that were confiscated, officers found that the total balance was only Rp. 60.7 million.

"So this suspect is an inter-provincial network that gets drug supplies from East Kalimantan. For one time he took and sold drugs he received a salary of Rp180 million," explained Tri.

Now the police are still chasing the city above him who gave orders with an identity that has been pocketed by officers with the initials S and is suspected of being outside South Kalimantan Province.

For his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 114 paragraph 2 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of death penalty, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for a minimum of six years and a maximum of twenty years.

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