MEDAN - Uploaded photos of cats in Medan City cut and skinned went viral on social media. The police are now investigating the perpetrator who brutally killed the cat.

The incident was uploaded for the first time by the owner of the Instagram account @soniarizkikarai, on Wednesday, January 27. Told, in his post, the owner of a cat named Sonia and her friend Wulan were looking for her lost cat.

He received information that his cat was put into burlap by someone at Jalan Tangguk Bongkar 7 Medan, Mandala, Medan Denai, Medan City.

"After asking questions there and here, finally, someone saw that my cat was put into burlap by someone who said they had often taken cats to be killed and then sold their meat for 70,000 kg per kg," wrote Sonia on her account, Thursday, January 28.

Starting from this information, Sonia ventured into the house of the person who allegedly cut her cat.

"At first the neighbors there told me the wrong house, until finally I asked the children there and they showed them the right house," he continued.

After arriving at the intended location, he and Wulan found a burlap. Without thinking Wulan then opened it.

"After opening it we saw many cat heads, even cats that were pregnant were also there and after that I was limp," wrote Sonia.

After seeing the cat, his friend Wulan also said that his cat, Tayo, was also in the burlap.

"Then Mrs. Wulan said, Nia has Tayo's head. I can no longer stand up and cry," said Sonia.

Shortly thereafter he said that a man came to him and was angry with anger because he felt noisy by his crying. The man also almost hit his friend Wulan.

"Had almost got into a fight with Mrs. Wulan, she said that if I talked to me again she would spit in my face," said Sonia.

After the incident, Sonia then brought the rest of the cat meat that was chewed. He also reported to the police.

"I was called into the police station and asked for questions and finally they told me to go to the other police station because they said it was not their area," wrote Wulan.

Separately, the Medan Area Police Chief, Commissioner Faidir Chaniago, confirmed that the location of the incident was in his area.

"According to the viral video of the incident on Jalan Tombak Bongkar, it is our area, members of the Medan Area Police along with the Head of Detective are currently investigating at the TKP," said Faidir to reporters, Thursday, January 28.

However, he denied that the party rejected Sonia's report. He suspects that the cat owner did not report to the Medan Area Police, but to other sectors.

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