JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that the inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe is currently being treated at the Army Central Hospital (RSPAD) for refusing to eat and take medicine.

"The information we received, his health condition decreased because he did not want to eat and take medicine from the doctor," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri when confirmed by Antara in Jakarta, Monday.

Ali said the KPK team of doctors had recommended that Lukas Enembe seek treatment at the RSPAD since Saturday (15/7), but the person concerned refused to be referred. However, Lukas was finally willing to be referred to the RSPAD for treatment on Sunday (16/7).

"The KPK doctor since Saturday has been drafting to be referred to the RSPAD but the person concerned refused, so the team of prosecutors then contacted the legal advisor and his family in order to persuade him to be taken to the RSPAD," he said.

The KPK hopes that Lukas Enembe can cooperate by following the advice of the team of doctors for the sake of health and the smooth running legal process.

"In the future, we hope that the person concerned can cooperate and be disciplined in taking drugs and following the doctor's advice for the sake of health and the smooth running of the trial process," said Ali.

To note, the Governor of Papua for the period 2013-2018 and 2018-2023 Lukas Enembe was charged with accepting bribes worth Rp45,843,485,350 and gratuities of Rp1 billion from a number of partners.

First, Lukas was charged with accepting bribes from Rp45,843,485,350 with details of Rp10,413,929,500 from businessman Piton Enumbi as Director and owner of PT Meonesia Mulia, PT Lingge-Lingge, PT Astrad Jaya and PT Melonesia Cahaya Timur and as much as Rp35,429,555,850 from Rijatono Lakka as Director of PT Tabi Anugerah Pharmindo, PT Tabi Bangun Papua as well as CV Walibhu.

The second indictment, Lukas Enembe was also charged with receiving gratuities in the form of Rp1 billion from Budy Sultan as Director of PT Indo Papua on April 12, 2013.

Rijatono Lakka has also been sentenced to 5 years in prison by the Jakarta Corruption Court. Recently, the KPK has again named Lukas Enembe as a suspect in the alleged crime of money laundering (TPPU). The KPK has confiscated a number of assets related to the Lukas Enembe case in various forms with a total value of more than Rp200 billion.

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