JAKARTA - Commission E DPRD DKI summoned the ranks of the regional apparatus work unit (SKPD), the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB), and the Restoration Session Team (TSP) to clarify the messy recommendations for implementing Formula E in the Monas area.
The problem came from the refutation of the Head of TACB DKI Mundardjito who said that his party was never asked to make recommendations.
In fact, in a letter signed by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to the Chairperson of the Medan Merdeka Area Steering Committee, chaired by State Secretary Pratikno, it was stated that the recommendation for Formula E at Monas was TACB.
Later, there was an admission of inaccuracy that led to a typo of the DKI Provincial Government in writing the TACB recommendation letter. The purpose of the DKI Provincial Government is that the party providing the recommendation is TSP.
Secretary of Commission E Jhonny Simanjuntak considered the carelessness proving that the plan to implement Formula E was a mess. In fact, according to him, TACB must also be involved in providing recommendations.
"Formula E is the plan of tin cans, because the planning is not solid. There is some kind of hastening coercion," said Jhonny at the DPRD DKI Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 19.
DKI Assistant for People's Welfare, Catur Laswanto, said that the reason he only received recommendations from the TSP was because he referred to the DKI Governor's Decree Number 1443 of 2017 concerning TACB and TSP.
DKI Jakarta, he said, has the specialty of other provinces in managing cultural heritage that does not have a TSP institution. TACB is only tasked with conducting studies of cultural heritage buildings. Meanwhile, activities related to restoration in cultural heritage areas are the domain of CSR.
"The function of TACB is to conduct analysis studies on cultural heritage buildings. If the study of restoration rules of cultural heritage areas, such as construction or revitalization, is in the TSP," explained Catur.
However, this was denied by DKI DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi. According to Prasetio, Monas is a national cultural heritage. This means that the specificity of DKI Pemprov is only to ask for a recommendation from the TSP which is not valid.
"Monas stands for the National Monument, not the monument, the Jakarta monument. In essence, I consider the recommendation letter that came to the State Minister for State Secretary illegal," said Prasetio.

This led to the rejection of Formula E at Monas
All the chaos in the process of recommending the implementation of Formula E made the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD reject the race to be held at Monas.
This rejection, said member of the PDIP faction Merry Hotma, was also accompanied by concern that later Formula E organizers would not be able to restore the Monas area to the way it was before.
"The definition of cultural heritage is not only the Monas monument but the entire area is cultural heritage. I voiced the PDIP faction to reject the Formula being implemented in the cultural heritage area of the Monas area. This is too complicated," said Merry.
The rejection of Formula E being held at Monas was not only made by the PDIP. After the meeting, DKI TACB Chair Mundardjito agreed with the opinion of the DKI DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi that Monas is a national cultural heritage.
Mundardjito said, there are regulations that are higher than Kepgub No. 1443 of 2017 concerning TACB and TSP, namely Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage. In the Cultural Conservation Law, the party entitled to provide recommendations on an object of cultural heritage is TACB.
Considering that Monas is a national cultural heritage, Formula E recommendations must also be provided by the National TACB. "I think there should be a recommendation from the National TACB. But, in general, the National TACB does not make a recommendation at Monas," said Mundardjito.
That way, even though he admitted that he was not asked for a recommendation, Mundardjito firmly refused to hold Formula E at Monas.
"So, don't put it in monas. Anyway, Monas cultural heritage for me is sacred. If someone competes in a car racing with the sound (engine) 'sroong sroong', it seems inappropriate," he said.
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