JAKARTA - The great leader of Catholics, Pope Francis, also commemorates 76 years of the Holocaust tragedy in the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz in southern Poland.

Pope Francis invites all humanity to re-examine the ideology of extremism. This is because inhuman acts can happen again.

"Remembering is an expression of humanity. To be remembered is a sign of politeness. What needs to be remembered is the conditions for a better future of peace and brotherhood," he said as quoted by Reuters on Thursday, January 28.

Pope Francis speaks exactly three weeks after many supporters of anti-Semitism turned up at the US Capitol riots on January 6. Moreover, two weeks ago one of the largest synagogues - the Jewish place of worship - was damaged and almost burned down in Montreal, Canada.

"Remembering also means being careful because these things can happen again, starting from ideological proposals that claim to want to save a nation but end up destroying people and humanity," he added.

Therefore, the Pope invites all mankind to be able to sort out ideologies and pay close attention to how the violence started.

"Be careful how this path of death, extermination, and brutality begins," he said.

Historically, the Nazis and their allies killed about 6 million Jews and others. More than 1 million people, mostly Jews, were gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp. It wasn't until January 27, 1945, that the remaining prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp were freed by Soviet troops.

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