JAKARTA - PDI Perjuangan announced dozens of candidates for regional head pairs who will contest in the 2020 Pilkada simultaneously. According to PDI Perjuangan Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, those currently announced are candidates for incumbent regional head or party cadres bearing the bull emblem.
"In this first batch of candidates for regional heads, most of whom are from the PDI Perjuangan, will be announced. Most of them are incumbents," said Hasto before reading the names of the candidates at the PDI Perjuangan DPP Office, Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 19 .
Those who are nominated as regional heads in the 2020 Pilkada are:
1. Southeast Sulawesi North Buton: Abu Hasan and Suhuzu
2. Central Sulawesi Proud: Herwin Yatim and Mustar Labolo
3. South Sulawesi Bulukumba: Tommy Satria Yulianto and Makkasau Selayar Islands: Muh. Basli Ali and Saiful Arif
4. PapuaAsmat: Elisa Kambu and Thomas Eppe Safafanfo
5. West Papua Manokwari: Demas Paulus Mandacan and Edy Budoyo Arfak Mountains: Yosias Saroy and Marinus Mandacan Kaimana: Rita Terupun and Leonardo Syakema South Sorong: Samsudin Anggiluli and Alfons Sesa
6. Maluku Southwest Maluku: Benyamin Thoma Noach and Agustinus Lekwardai Kilikily Eastern Seram: Fachri Husni Alkatiry and Arobi Kelian
7. North Maluku Archipelago: Ali Ibrahim and Muhammad Sinen
8. East Kalimantan Laser: Fahmi Fadli and Sulaiman Eva Merukh Bontang City: Adi Darma and Basri Rase Balikpapan: Rahmad Mas'ud and Thohari Aziz West Kutai: FX Yapan and Edyanto Arkan
9. South Kalimantan Land of Bumbu: Syafruddin H. Maming and Andi Rudi Latif Banjarbaru City: Aditya Mufti Arifin and Ahmad Rifani Iwansyah New City: Zairullah Azhar and Zulkipli
10. West Kalimantan Sekadau: Rupinus and Aloysius

11. South SumatraMusi Rawas Utara: Devi Suhartoni and Innayatullah
12. North Sumatra Samosir: Rapidin Simbolon and Juang Sinaga Gunungsitoli City: Lakhomizaro Zebua and Sowa'a Laoli Donat Hasundutan: Dosmar Banjarnahor and Yanto Sihotang South Nias: Hilarius Duha and Firman Giawa
13. Lampung, Metro City: Anna Morinda and Fritz Akhmad Nuzir
14. BantenSerang: Ratu Tatu Chasanah and Pandji Tirtayasa Pandeglang: Irna Narulita and Tanto W. Arban
15. YogyakartaBantul: Abdul Halim Muslih and Joko B. Purnomo
16. East JavaNgawi: Ony Anwar and Dwi Rianto Jatmiko Malang: HM Sanusi and Didik Gatot Subroto Sumenep: Achmad Fauzi and Dewi Khalifah
17. Central Java Training: Sri Mulyani and Aris Prabowo Grobogan: Sri Sumarni and Bambang Pujiyanto Demak: Esti'anah and Joko Sutanto Boyolali: Mohammad Said Hidayat and Wahyu Irawan Wonogiri: Joko Sutopo and Sriyono Sragen: Kusnidar Untung Yuni Sukowati and Suroto Semarang District: Agus Sukoco and Eko Priyono Semarang Ngesti Nugraha and Basari Semarang City: Hendrar Prihadi and Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu Kebumen: Arif Sugianto and Rista Blora: Arief Rohman and Tri Yuli Setyowati Purbalingga: Dyah Hayuning Pratiwi and Sudono
18. West Java Cianjur: Herman Suherman and Tb. Mulyana Syahrudin Tasikmalaya: Ade Sugianto and Cecep Nurul Sure
19. NTB Mataram City: Putu Selly Andayani and Abdul Manan West Sumbawa: Musyafirin and Fud Syaifuddin
Not only conveying the names of candidates for regional head at the city / regency level, in this event the candidates for governor and deputy governor were also read out. They are Olly Dondokambey-Steven Kandouw. Both will advance as incumbent candidates in North Sulawesi (Sulut).
"The candidate for governor from North Sulawesi is the incumbent Olly Dondokambey as a candidate for governor accompanied by Steven Kandouw as a candidate for deputy governor," said Hasto.
The announcement ceremony was also attended by PDI-P Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri together with PDIP Situation Room Head Prananda Prabowo, as well as Puan Maharani, PDIP DPP Chairperson for politics and security, as well as other party officials.

After the announcement of the candidates, Megawati emphasized that those who were recommended and nominated as regional heads at the district / city and provincial levels had already carried out the selection and screening.
"Indeed, at the search stage in the PDI Perjuangan, I think it is very open and democratic. Because everything is from below," Megawati said when delivering her speech in front of the regional head candidates who were present.
According to him, cheating in the selection process was also impossible because these candidates were nominated from the grassroots aspirations of the parties who knew the candidates' performance.
"(They) will encourage (candidates for regional head) to enter into the selection and screening process," said the fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Mega explained, in each selection process a fit and proper test and interviews were also carried out. It's just that, considering this first wave, most of the incumbent candidates will advance, so a series of due diligence tests need not be carried out again.
However, if he is not sure about the incumbent candidate, Mega could carry out a due diligence again to convince himself before making a recommendation.
"If I have doubts, I say he has to go through (due diligence) again. But if I see the success is good, I say it's enough," he concluded.
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