JAKARTA - Political observer from Al-Azhar University, Ujang Komarudin, assessed the criticism from the chairman of the Gerindra Party DPC Ali Lubis to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan because it has a specific purpose.

Ujang suspected that Ali wanted something from Anies. Unfortunately, Anies did not seem to respond to this desire. Thus, Ali criticized him in public.

"I suspect that maybe those who criticize are in need of something but Anies doesn't respond. Because if a party criticizes the figures it supports, it is usually because there are things that are not taken care of," Ujang told VOI, Wednesday, January 27.

This was reinforced by Ali's criticism of Anies for not being constructive. Because, in his criticism, instead of providing a solution to the problem of handling COVID-19, Ali instead asked Anies to resign.

"Usually, if the criticism is objective, the criticism is right on target and in accordance with the facts on the ground, usually it will be supported by the public as well. But this seems to be the wrong target, so that other Gerindra party officials defend Anies," he explained.

For information, Ali Lubis' harsh criticism was made to the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. Ali asked Anies to resign from his position because he asked the central government to take over the coordination of handling COVID-19.

"If you are unable to, you should just resign from the position of governor. It's simple, right," wrote Ali Lubis via his Twitter account, some time ago.

Suddenly, Gerindra officials immediately put up a shield for Anies. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that he did not agree with Ali's criticism.

According to Riza, all handling of COVID-19 carried out by Anies in the capital city during the pandemic has been running optimally. Moreover, Jakarta is a center of community interaction and mobility.

"What Pak Anies is doing as the Governor regarding the handling of COVID-19 has been extraordinary. Jakarta is extraordinary against the strong spread of the virus in Indonesia," said Riza.

Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, admitted that his party had reprimanded the chairman of the East Jakarta Gerindra DPC, Ali Lubis.

"We have already reprimanded and reminded us. We have sanctioned it, we remind them of that," said Habiburokhman.

Continuing, the Daily Chairperson of the Gerindra DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad emphasized that Ali Lubis' criticism of Anies was a personal opinion.

"What was conveyed by the head of the East Jakarta DPC was a personal opinion. However, the substance must be considered because this is indeed a matter of COVID-19," said Dasco.

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