JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of Special Capital Region (DKI) of Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, admitted that he disagreed with the criticism from his one party cadre, Gerindra, namely the Chairman of the East Jakarta Gerindra Branch Representative Council (DPC), Ali Lubis.

Ali Lubis' harsh criticism was made at the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. Where Anies was asked to resign from his position because he submitted the handling of COVID-19 to the central government.

Riza said, all handling of COVID-19 carried out by Anies in the capital city during the pandemic had been running optimally. Moreover, Jakarta is a center of community interaction and mobility.

"What Mr. Anies has done as the Governor regarding the handling of COVID-19 has been extraordinary. Jakarta is extraordinary against the strong spread of the virus in Indonesia. Jakarta is a place of interaction, a place for people to come in and out of the country and abroad, but we can control it well," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, January 26.

Riza explained the data proving that Jakarta is capable of handling COVID-19. He said, the cure rate for COVID-19 in DKI currently reaches 89.2 percent. Then, the death rate was 1.6 percent.

Then, the number of corona virus testing or examinations in DKI has reached 13 times the WHO standard. The contribution of testing in Jakarta also reached 43.3 percent of all testing in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the chairman of DKI Gerindra Regional Representative Council (DPD) admitted that his party had reprimanded Ali Lubis for making statements to the public without coordinating with the party. In fact, Riza emphasized that Gerindra is the party that carries and escorts Anies until he finishes office in 2022.

"We (Gerindra) will continue to support Anies-Sandi and now Anies-Riza. So, all cadres must understand and comprehend and have the same task of guarding the development of the city of Jakarta so that it is better, the city progresses, the citizens are happy," he concluded.

For information, Chairman of the DPC Gerindra Party Ali Lubis criticized DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan for asking the central government to take over the coordination of handling COVID-19. Ali Lubis asked Anies to resign.

"If you are unable to, you should just resign from the position of governor. It's simple, right," wrote Ali Lubis via his Twitter account.

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