JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) is testing the use of 100 percent palm oil as the main energy source to drive the train series.

President Director of KAI, Didiek Hartantyo, said that his party is optimistic that the use of diesel fuel with palm oil material is an adaptive and solution step in a pandemic situation like today.

"During a pandemic, we are working on extraordinary terms. For this reason, KAI is innovating to increase the use of new renewable energy so that it will be more environmentally friendly, "he said in a press statement.

In addition, the boss of the transportation company is also reportedly using a big data scheme to determine customer interests and habits. This is intended to be able to streamline officers while ensuring smooth train operations.

"We plan to develop the digitalization of artificial intelligence-based facility maintenance," said Didiek.

Then, in the current pandemic situation, KAI will use the Gajah Mada Electric Nose COVID-19 or GeNose C19 in company services which are used as a screening tool for rail transportation service users.

GeNose C19 is a corona virus detection tool developed by researchers at Gajah Mada University and has obtained a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health.

As for taking samples from GeNose C19 in the form of breaths and the test results can be known in just 3 minutes. The fee is estimated to be around Rp. 20,000 for one test with an accuracy of above 90 percent.

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