JAKARTA - Bakamla, assisted by the Indonesian Navy (AL), secured two foreign super tanker ships in Natuna waters, Riau Islands. These foreign ships are MT Horse from Iran and MT Freya from Panama.

The two foreign tankers were escorted to Batam for inspection. TNI Al helicopters monitored from the air, while KN Marore Island - 322 and KN. Sea Eel - 406, escorting the advance of foreign tankers.

In addition, KRI is also prepared to carry out escort when approaching Tanjung Pinang waters.

Using the KRI and its Heli Panther, the Indonesian Navy is ready to assist the two foreign ships by the Indonesian National Defense Forces, "said Bakamla, which was continued by Head of Public Relations and Protocol of Bakamla Colonel Wisnu Pramandita, Tuesday, January 26.

This foreign tanker was secured on Sunday, January 24 by KN Marore Island-322. This foreign tanker is suspected of carrying out illegal fuel transfers and deliberately covering the name of the hull with a cloth and turning off the automatic identification system / AIS to trick Indonesian law enforcement officials.

Initial allegations were that the two tankers violated the transit passage rights of ALKI I by leaving the 25NM ALKI limit. This foreign tanker allegedly anchored outside ALKI without the permission of the relevant authorities.

"Carrying out ship to ship transfers of illegal BBM, not raising the national flag, shutting down AIS and MT Freya carrying out oil spilling," said Bakamla.

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