JAKARTA - SMPN 10 Tangerang City plans to return Rp492 million to a number of school students in stages. The amount of money came from 328 students who had paid for the study tour. Per student, paid a Study Tour fee of Rp1.5 million. Deputy Head of SMPN 10 Tangerang City Public Relations, Muniroh said that his party had already agreed with the parents. Where, for Rp500 thousand, it was replaced with a separation fee that will take place in one of the shopping centers in Tangerang City. Meanwhile, Rp1 million the school promised to return it. However, with the specified time. "And 1 million we promised to return it, although we have not imagined where the funds came from but we are responsible for returning the funds," he said, Thursday, June 22. Even so, the student's guardian demanded clarity of the refund. After several mediation, the school was given a three-stage option to return the funds.

The first option, with a priority scale. Where the school returned the money for the mayor who desperately needed the funds. "That (priority scale) we asked for 1 month from June 14 to July 14," he said. "The second stage is for all students but according to the school's ability, for example there is a school of Rp. 50 million divided by a number of hundreds of children who have not received it, and so on. Then the rest is not a period of time," he said. Muniroh explained, until now the school is still anxious to return the funds. Even the Principal of SMPN 10 Tangerang City, Iis had wanted to pawn his house. "At that time, in an urgent condition, because there was pressure from the parents of the Principal (the Principal) calling me. 'Ma'am, what I pawned my house for the child to go to the jogja'. That's a form of our responsibility and effort, that we didn't run away from responsibility," he said. Muniroh also admitted that this fraud was indeed a mistake from the school. Because, the school did so much believe in travel agents. Meanwhile, the Travel agents are still on the loose. Because, the school has not yet focused on reporting to the Tangerang City Metro Police. Previously, it was reported that the Tangerang City Government did not interfere with the case of Study Tour fraud experienced by SMPN 10 Tangerang City. Tangerang City Government considered that it was a mistake that the school had to bear. "Yes, tell to report to the police. That's the responsibility of the school, we ask those who are responsible for it," said Tangerang Mayor Arief Wismansyah, Wednesday, June 21.

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