MEULABOH - The Independent Election Commission (KIP) of Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh, confirmed that 136 candidates for legislative members in the area were not present during the Qur'an reading test as one of the requirements for entering the list of candidates (DCS) in the 2024 General Election.
"Because the 136 baulaleg did not attend, we consider that they do not meet the requirements to be included in the temporary candidate list," said member of KIP Nagan Raya, Mizwan Nur, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 20.
Of the total 136 baulaleg who were not present, there were 69 men and 67 women. They come from national political parties and local parties.
Mizwan said those who were able to read the holy verses of the Qur'an during the test were 268 people consisting of 172 men and 96 women.
As for the number of legislators who were unable to read the Qur'an, he continued, 10 people consisted of six men and four women.
"The total number of Babileg in Nagan Raya is 414 people, consisting of 247 men and 167 women," said Mizwan.
The basis for the implementation of the Qur'an reading test, he said, refers to the Decree of the Independent Aceh Election Commission Number 37 of 2023 concerning Technical Guidelines for Being Able to Read the Qur'an Will Candidates for Members of the Aceh People's Representative Council and the Regency/City House of Representatives.
Due to the absence of the 136 legs, said Mizwan, they did not meet the requirements for entry to DCS as a follow-up stage for the verification of balaleg by the Nagan Raya Regency KIP.
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