JAKARTA - The United States (US) DPR officially submitted a file of the second impeachment attempt against Donald Trump to the US Senate on Monday, January 25 evening local time.

As originally planned, the charges imposed were incitement to revolt that caused riots on Capitol Hill on January 6. Even though it has been submitted, the schedule for the US Senate hearing is expected to begin as early as February 9.

"Donald John Trump is involved in high crime by inciting violence against the United States Government," said the leader of the US House of Representatives impeachment Jamie Raskin upon arrival in the US Senate room as reported by Reuters.

With the power in the US Senate divided between the Democrats and Republicans at 50:50, the political constellation of the impeachment effort is interesting to see. The Democrat Party is the majority in the Senate, because of the presence of Kamala Harris' votes.

This impeachment effort must have the support of at least 17 members of the Senate from the Republican Party. Not easy, because many Trump loyalists in the Republican Party are still entrenched in the US Senate. Indeed, at the impeachment vote in the US House of Representatives on January 13, there were 10 members of the US House of Representatives from the Republican Party who supported impeachment.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump. (Source: Antara)

However, there are also Republican politicians who think Trump was wrong in the rioting. Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that Trump deliberately sparked riots on Capitol Hill. Another Republican Senator, Mitt Romney, said that the approval of the results of the US Presidential Election was delayed because Trump provoked his supporters.

Republican Senator

Meanwhile, in an interview with CNN, President Joe Biden also spoke about the second impeachment attempt against Donald Trump. According to him, although it will have side effects, the impeachment effort must be made.

"I think it should happen, even if it has an effect on the legislative agenda and the cabinet candidates. However, there will be a worse effect if it is not done," he told CNN.

Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden (Twitter / JoeBiden)

With the current political map in the US Senate, Joe Biden is not convinced that there will be 17 Republican Senators backing the Democrats for a second impeachment.

"The Senate has changed since I was there, but not much has changed," added Joe Biden.

Joe Biden himself earlier this month stated that the issue of impeachment was not a priority for everything, because there were still many urgent matters that needed to be handled together, including by the Senate, such as the COVID-19 pandem and economic problems.

“This nation is also still in the grip of a deadly virus and a shaky economy. I hope that the leadership of the Senate will find a way to handle their Constitutional responsibility for impeachment, while also working on other urgent matters in the country, "said Joe Biden at the time.

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