BOGOR - Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD held a working meeting with the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik), related to the phenomenon of graduation for kindergarten to high school level school children. In that meeting, the council asked for the graduation of the school level to be abolished. At the meeting, Commission IV explored and explored the role of the Bogor City Education Office, the School and School Principal Committee related to the graduation event based on Permendikbud number 75 of 2016. Secretary of Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, Devi P. Sultani, explained, based on the results of the Commission IV meeting firmly asking that the Bogor City Education Office immediately issue a circular to prohibit graduation activities for school level, ranging from kindergarten to high school level. This was based on findings and complaints from residents who felt burdened with the existence of this graduation activity. "We appeal to the education office to issue a ban on a substantial graduation event, and the urgency is not much needed. That is what we ask for from Commission 4, the results of meetings with educational services," said Devi in her statement, Tuesday, June 20. The findings received by Commission IV, stated by Devi that there was a student whose diploma was detained by the school because he could not pay for graduation activities. The student's parents also applied for the assistance of diploma caning programs for underprivilegous citizens initiated by the Bogor City DPRD.

"After this, we will summon the committee, education board, education office, and school principal. Elementary and junior high schools," he concluded. In this meeting were also attended by the Chairman of Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, Akhmad Saeful Bakhri, Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, Atty Somadikarya, along with members of Commission IV of the Bogor City DPRD, Sri Kusnaeni and Eka Wardhana.

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