Yogyakarta City Police arrested three suspects in a criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO) and sexual exploitation of minors.

Head of the Yogyakarta Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Archye Nevada said three suspects with the initials RA (18) students, residents of Bekasi, West Java, NS (21) residents of Palembang, and BA (14) students, residents of South Sumatra.

"The three of them are suspected of carrying out TIP and sexual exploitation of children. The mode is by trading children through online applications," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 19.

Archye said the three suspects were arrested while in action at two different hotels located in Ngampilan and Pakualaman sub-districts, Yogyakarta City.

Based on public reports, the first cases occurred on Thursday, June 15, 2023, and the second on Saturday, June 17, 2023.

According to him, the three suspects are suspected of trafficking two minors through online applications to be sexually exploited.

Against the two victims who came from outside the DIY area, the suspects persuaded them by getting acquainted and then taking the two of them on vacation to the city of Yogyakarta.

Suspects RA, NS, and BA act as operators who look for customers through online applications and carry out their actions at hotels that have been ordered.

"The perpetrators have moved from hotels several times. The profits they can use to meet the needs of life," said Archye.

When arresting the three, the police confiscated evidence in the form of six gadgets to operate, contraceptives, and cash from the TIP amounting to Rp700 thousand.

The victims have now been secured at the Women's Social Protection and Rehabilitation Center (BPRSW) in Sleman.

Archye said the perpetrators were charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 of Law 21 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO).

The three were also charged with Article 88 Juncto Article 76I of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with a penalty of 15 years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp600 million.

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