The CILACAP - Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cilacap Regency, Central Java, stated that the number of villages affected by drought in the dry season of 2023 continues to grow. "Until now, there have been four villages affected by drought and we have sent clean water assistance," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Cilacap Regency BPBD Budi Setyawan quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 19. According to him, the four villages that have received clean water assistance, namely Bojong Village and Kawunganten District, Kawunganten District; Rawa Apu Village, Patimuan District; as well as Mategeng Village, Dayeuhluhur District. Overall, he said, the clean water aid that has been disbursed by BPBD for the four villages reached 15 tanks. He acknowledged that the drought-affected areas in Cilacap Regency continue to grow even though it is still the beginning of the dry season. "Based on the current mapping we are doing, as many as 105 villages in 20 sub-districts throughout Cilacap Regency have the potential for drought in the dry season in 2023 which is predicted to be drier than usual due to the El Nino and IOD (OD) phenomenon in Cilacap Ocean Dipole", he said. However, he said that until now, his party had only distributed clean water assistance for residents of Jaya Giri Hamlet, Bojong Village, Kawunganten District, as many as 2 tanks, and residents of Bugel Sampang Hamlet, Bojong Village, Kawunganten District, as many as 1 tank. In coincidence, the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Red Cross Management and Relawan Division (PMI) Cilacap Koesdjarjo said that until now, his party had only distributed clean water assistance for residents.

According to him, his party is always ready to help people who need clean water assistance because the donations received through the PMI Fund Month must be returned to the community. He said his party was also ready to coordinate with the Cilacap Regency BPBD in terms of distributing clean water aid to villages in need.

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