JAKARTA - A number of malls in Solo have complained about a decrease in the level of visits during the implementation of the Java-Bali Community Activity Restriction (PPKM).
"For the level of visits to Solo Paragon Mall during PPKM, there has been a lot of reduction compared to the level of pandemic visits, but what can we do, we just follow government regulations first," said Chief Marcom Solo Paragon Mall Veronica Lahji in Solo, reported by Antara, Monday, 25 January.
He said that when compared to before PPKM, the number of visitors at this time has decreased by up to 50 percent.
It noted that during the pandemic the number of visitors to the mall was around 2,000-4,000 visitors / day on normal days and around 6,000 visitors / day on weekends.
"But during this PPKM the average day is around 2,000 visitors," he said.
Therefore, he hopes that online sales can help tenants to meet sales targets.
"The hope is that online sales can help our tenant sales because there are age restrictions for entering the mall, the criteria for people entering the mall, PPKM operating hours are only up to 19.00 WIB, our target tenants really 'drop'. Even the center has warned 'tenants' in Solo Paragon because their turnover is very low compared to other cities, "he said.
Likewise, the Solo Grand Mall Public Relations representative Ni Wayan Ratrina said that since the limitation on visitors aged 15 and under, the level of visits has decreased quite significantly.
"It's been really quiet since the policy, at least now it is only around 6,000 visitors / day on 'weekends' (Saturday and Sunday), while 'weekday' (Monday-Friday) is in the range of 4,000-5,000 visitors / day," he said.
In fact, according to him, the number of visitors on a normal day can be more than 10,000 visitors / day. As a result of these conditions, he admitted, a number of tenant owners chose to temporarily close their businesses.
"Currently, there are around 200 tenants, some are closed," he said.
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