JAKARTA - The Covid-19 Coalition received 70 reports regarding violations of health protocols for two weeks of restricting community activities (PPKM) in Java and Bali.

LaporCovid-19 volunteer, Yemiko Happy, said that the most violations of the health protocol (Prokes) were in public places as much as 37 percent. The second largest number of violations were in offices as much as 33 percent.

"The proportion of further violations in educational institutions was 17 percent, at eating places as much as 7 percent, and at places of worship 6 percent," Yemiko said in a webinar discussion, Monday, January 25.

Yemiko described examples of reports of violations of health protocols in public places, such as hotels, sports fields and residential complexes.

There is one report from Malang City. It was explained that there were uncontrolled marriages related to the discipline of health protocols. Many of the visitors there took off their masks, the room was also very crowded, and they didn't keep their distance.

There is also a report from Bekasi. There, every Saturday night there is a crowd in the house, then at the night market, most of the people who come there are ignorant of health protocols.

"The government does not pay attention to the compliance with health protocols in public activities," said Yemiko.

Furthermore, Yemiko also explained one of the reports of violations of health protocols in offices. In Kota Tangerang, there are companies that do not follow PPKM regulations with a restriction of 25 percent of employees entering.

"In Jakarta there are also those who report that their workplaces are positive for COVID-19. However, there are no prevention measures such as tracking or diverting office activities online. There are also offices that do not do disinfectant screening when an employee is positive for COVID-19 and does not. notify employees, "he explained

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