JAKARTA - The government is asked to increase the number of bridge facilities that are suitable to support community activities, especially for children as access to school.
Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Andi Iwan Darmawan Aras said, one of the important aspects in ensuring that the provision of proper education is through adequate infrastructure development. It is not like the incident of students in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, who went to school to risk their lives by crossing the river using a bowl raft.
"Adequate education infrastructure is not only the government's moral obligation, but also a strategic investment for the nation's future," said Iwan, Tuesday, June 13.
So, a student of SDN 478 Barowa, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), had to risk his life crossing the river with a raft made of coils to be able to go to school because the pedestrian bridge was damaged by the flood. The incident was considered an example of the government's insensitivity in providing proper infrastructure access.
"Children who want to experience the world of education have to go long distances to get to school. The conditions of the streets they go through are heavy, not to mention having to cross the river with unsafe modes of transportation," he said.
The government is responsible for providing proper education for all children, regardless of economic, ethnicity, or geographical background.
"If it is difficult to reach school alone, how can their literacy increase?" said Iwan.
Therefore, the legislator from the South Sulawesi II electoral district asked the government to provide a short-term solution. Iwan said, a short-term solution is important to provide access for students of SDN 478 Barowa to attend school safely and comfortably.
"The budget already exists. But because the budget is limited and is not comparable to the needs, at least provide temporary solutions for the short term, such as suspension bridges first. This applies to regions throughout Indonesia, especially those in remote areas," he explained.
Iwan said, incidents such as in Luwu Regency were also found in other areas, including in several areas in South Sulawesi. For this reason, the Government is asked to pay more attention.
"Because there are actually a lot of incidents like in Luwu. There are also a lot of them in South Sulawesi. Even in West Java, which is close to the capital of the country," explained Iwan.
"Because many of the certain areas can actually be reached within 5 minutes but it becomes 40 minutes because there are no bridges," he continued.
Furthermore, Iwan said, in addition to the interests of children in school, the construction of bridges is also important as access from one village to another.
"With adequate bridges, people can easily access markets, health facilities, and workplaces in the next village. This will encourage economic growth and expand job opportunities for residents around the village," said Iwan.
Commission V of the DPR in charge of infrastructure and transportation affairs also emphasized that the construction of bridges is not only limited to building a physical structure. Iwan said the government must consider factors such as sustainability, maintenance, and security in the planning and implementation of bridge projects.
"The proper use of technology, routine maintenance, and good monitoring are needed to ensure the reliability and safety of bridges," he concluded.
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