Police arrested seven teenagers for a brawl in Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Sunday, June 11 in the morning. From the hands of the perpetrators, officers secured a number of evidences in the form of sharp weapons.
"Officers also confiscated three sharp weapons in the form of sickles and swords," Head of the Samapta Unit (Kasat) of the West Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP M. Hari Agung Julianto, in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday, June 11.
He said the operation to secure the teenager who wanted to fight was carried out on complaints from the public.
"We received public reports while carrying out patrols, that there was a group of teenagers suspected of wanting to do a brawl in the Duri Kosambi area, Cengkareng, West Jakarta," he said.
Agung explained that now the seven teenagers and the evidence were brought to the Cengkareng Police for further investigation.
"Patrol activities anticipate disturbances in public order, we carry out intensively and sustainably every day to maintain a safe and conducive situation in the jurisdiction of the West Jakarta Metro Police," he explained.
"Especially for Sunday night, he continued, his party increased security because the escalation of community activities also increased," he explained.
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