JABAR - Police have arrested six suspects in the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in Sukabumi City, West Java. The victims are minors.

"These six suspects come from different areas and have their respective roles in carrying out their actions," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo in Sukabumi, West Java (West Java), Friday, June 9, as reported by Antara.

Ari said the six suspects arrested with the initials BS (31), a resident of Bogor City; FF (21) a resident of Bogor City; IDS (26) a resident of Sukabumi City; AB (28); FB (38) from Batam City; and RI (63) a resident of Sukabumi Regency.

According to Ari, from the results of the disclosure of the TIP case, his party managed to save eight young women who were victims of the TIP syndicate.

The eight victims had the initials SAS (17), GTA (17), SN (18), SP (18), ADV (13), AN (18), VB (19) and A (17).

The mode used by the suspects is to lure their victims by luring them to work in a cafe with a large wage, so that the victims feel interested.

In fact, these victims were not employed in a cafe, but were forced to become commercial sex workers (CSWs) and plus-plus massage workers.

The eight victims were then separated, such as those who were brought to Batam, Bekasi and Bogor and some in Sukabumi City.

In carrying out the action, the suspects peddled their victims through the Michat application at a one-time date rate between Rp. 250 thousand to Rp. 600 thousand. Worse, the suspect did not pay the wages promised to the victim.

"The suspect is targeting victims who are still students and until now we are still developing cases of the alleged TIP, whether there are victims or other suspects," he added.

Six suspects were charged with Article 2 of Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of TIP with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 16 years and a fine of Rp. 120 million to Rp. 600 million.

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