JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) has asked any party not to worry excessively about the plan to reactivate the Swakarsa Security Force (Pam). This is because the security forces were actually born from the desire of the people.

"Pam Swakarsa does exist in the Law as a standard term. Pam means self-security which means self-defense, and karsa means the desire of the community. So that's community initiative, community ideas, and community needs," said Kompolnas Daily Chairperson Benny Mamoto in an ongoing discussion. online, Sunday, January 24.

He considered that the public's concern for Pam Swakarsa actually occurred because of past experiences. In fact, if you look further, the presence of these troops is considered more beneficial than bad.

So that in the future, Benny asked the public not to panic about the re-establishment of Pam Swakarsa because the troops that would be formed by Komjen Listyo Sigit after becoming the National Police Chief could make reporting of crimes in the community faster. Moreover, the Police are not present in every neighborhood unit (RT) to monitor every movement of the people.

"We know that the police are limited in number, it is impossible for every RT to have a Police. In the village there is a Bhabinkamtibmas, it represents the police," he said.

It is hoped that Pam Swakarsa can add more eyes to the police in reporting crime cases. The police are asked to provide education to the public to coordinate in reporting.

"It only remains if each RT has a security system, the National Police only has to guide, direct and train," said Benny.

It is known, in the fit and proper test with Commission III of the DPR RI, Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo will reactivate Pam Swakarsa. This policy was taken in order to create security and public order.

The concept of Pam Swakarsa is a mandate from Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police which was then outlined in the Regulation of the National Police Chief Number 4 of 2020. It's just that recently, many parties have highlighted this troop because it is considered to cause vulnerability in the community.

Previously reported, the Indonesian Parliament has officially approved Komjen Listyo Sigit as the National Police Chief.

This decision was made after Listyo Sigit underwent a fit and proper test before Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament on Wednesday, January 20. Furthermore, regarding this agreement, the Indonesian Parliament has also sent a letter of approval to the Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) on Friday, January 22 yesterday.

"The National Police Chief's approval letter to the President through the State Secretary has been submitted with letter Number PW / 00958 / DPR / 1-2021. So the SK and the approval letter have been submitted," Secretary General of DPR RI Indra Iskandar told reporters, Friday, January 22.

Furthermore, after the letter was received, Indra said that the inauguration of Komjen Listyo would take place before the end of January. "Surely the inauguration will be carried out before January 30th. In accordance with the Kapolri pension limit," he concluded.

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