JAKARTA - Head of the Ombudsman Representative for Greater Jakarta, Teguh Nugroho, supports the elimination of progressive fines for people who repeatedly violate the health protocol (prokes).

This is because, according to Teguh, the progressive sanctions with multiple nominal values that have been implemented since August 2020 have not been effective in deterring health protocol violators. The proof is that the number of COVID-19 transmission has not increased.

"Progressive sanctions, in their implementation in the field, are proven not to reduce the potential for transmission of COVID-19 and raise awareness of citizens," Teguh told VOI, Saturday, January 23.

Moreover, according to Teguh, prosecution, including progressive sanctions, is basically an ultimum remedium or a last resort by the regional government.

Therefore, Teguh thought that it would be better for the DKI Pemprov to strengthen its functions of prevention and supervision, and only recently did it take action.

"There are no progressive sanctions, not too significant compared to consistency of emphasis, strengthening prevention and supervision. Because that's more important," said Teguh.

In addition, the DKI Provincial Government needs to make efforts to build public awareness that COVID-19 is around them. This is done by directly involving the community in carrying out compliance with health protocols in their environment.

"The involvement of residents will also build their awareness that Covid is real. Victims do not have to be discriminated against because they are still their own citizens. In the end, it will also build awareness of wsrga to comply with health protocols," he said.

For information, the elimination of progressive sanctions is legalized in Governor Regulation Number 3 of 2021. In Pergub 3/2021, it is stated that every person who does not wear a mask in accordance with health standards while outside the home is subject to sanctions in the form of social work and a maximum fine of Rp.

Then, every company that violates the provisions of the workplace health protocol is given a written warning. If the violation is repeated, the office is sealed for three days.

If you repeat it again, the company will be fined IDR 50 million. As for the sanctions multiplying up to IDR 150 million in Pergub Number 79 of 2020 are abolished.

Similar provisions in the workplace also apply to hotels, tourist attractions, educational units, modes of transportation, to restaurants or restaurants.

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