JAKARTA - United States (US) President Joe Biden will seek to extend the New Strategic Arms Reduction Agreement (START) with Russia. This is the first foreign policy announced by the Joe Biden Administration.

"The president has long insisted that the New START agreement is in the interests of the national security of the United States. And this extension makes more sense, when relations with Russia are as hostile as they are today," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

Psaki further explained, President Joe Biden has also assigned US intelligence to conduct an assessment of Solar Winds cyber violations, intervening in the 2020 elections, the use of chemical weapons against opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and allegedly giving gifts to US soldiers in Afghanistan.

"Even as we work with Russia to advance US interests, we also seek to hold Russia accountable for its reckless actions and hostility," Psaki stressed.

The Russian side said Wednesday it would remain committed to extending New START and would welcome promised efforts by the Biden administration to reach a deal.

For information, the agreement, which will expire on February 5, was signed by President Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in 2010, which agreed to have ownership of no more than 1,550 nuclear warheads.

The development of ICBMs, SLBMs and heavy bombers for nuclear weapons is only 700. As well, openness to inspections for compliance with each other.

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