JAKARTA - The participation of Indonesian women in national development is increasing, as reflected in the increasing number of women who occupy a number of important positions in organizations and in the business world.
"Indonesian women continue to show their role, especially in economic development and play an integral role in the nation's growth," said Director of HerStory News and Content, Cahyo Prayogo, quoted from Antara, Friday, January 22.
In the Indonesia Most Powerful Women 2021 event, which was held virtually by HerStory, a member of the Warta Ekonomi Group, Cahyo said Indonesia had recorded brilliant achievements in terms of economic participation and business opportunities for women.
He explained that since 2015 there has been a significant increase in Indonesia's ranking among other countries in terms of women's participation in various fields of life in society.
Among 153 countries, in 2015 Indonesia was ranked 114, and slowly improved to rank 107 in 2016.
"In 2018, Indonesia even entered the top 100 by being ranked 96, and then shot up to rank 68 in 2020," said Cahyo.
The increase is significant because it is supported by the growing number of involvement of women figures in important roles in various fields of life at the national level.
The names of these tough women include, CEO of PT XL Axiata Tbk Dian Siswarini (technology and telecommunications), President Director of AXA Financial Indonesia Niharika Yadav (life insurance), CEO of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati (energy), President Director of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Ira Puspadewi (transportation and warehousing), President Director of PT Industri Kapal Indonesia (Persero) Diana Rosa (ship industry), Consumer Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Handayani (commercial bank), and COO Tokopedia Melissa Siska Juminto (startup).
Chief Editor of HerStory, Clara Aprilia Sukandar, said that the actions and various innovations that have been initiated by women have proven to have contributed greatly to the development of the business climate in the country.
"Behind their gentle appearance, women also have a tough side and strength which is also needed in developing this country," said Clara.
The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati Puspayoga, appreciates the initiative of HerStory and Warta Ekonomi Group which reward women who provide inspiration with good performance and great leadership.
"This award is expected to encourage all companies in Indonesia to participate in implementing the principle of gender equality in order to achieve sustainable business growth," said Bintang Puspayoga.
With the theme "The Great Inspiring Women Leaders," through Indonesia Most Powerful Women 2021, HerStory Indonesia and Warta Ekonomi appreciate the many Indonesian women who play a role in the business sector and inspire the general public.
In their study, the HerStory and Warta Ekonomi research team conducted an assessment using the media monitoring method to find female winning candidates in the category of chief (executive, financial, operating and marketing) officer, director, entrepreneur or founder.
The assessment indicators are used as parameters to determine the appropriate award for each candidate, namely innovation, achievement, character image, as well as being proactive and creative.
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