SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) through the Surabaya City COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force conducted an analysis of data on tracing results reported by Heads of Sub-district throughout Surabaya. This analysis is to determine the origin and where the spread of COVID-19 is in the city of Surabaya.

Deputy Secretary of the Surabaya COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Irvan Widyanto, explained that this analysis took tracing data starting from January 10-17, 2021. The case sample was 150 people who were confirmed COVID-19.

"Based on this analysis, it is known that there are several factors that cause a person to contract or be confirmed with COVID-19. The highest is the family cluster or due to close family contact. The percentage is around 28 percent," said Irvan, Friday, January 22.

The results of the analysis, there were infections because they had comorbids and went to the hospital with a percentage of 24.7 percent. Then they contracted it because they traveled from outside the city, the figure was 14.7 percent. Followed because of transmission in the workplace 12.7 percent. After the crowd / crowd the figure is 10 percent, workers in hospitals / medical personnel are 7.3 percent.

"Well, from the 150 sample cases analyzed, 68 percent of people confirmed as Covid-19 carried out self-isolation in homes / apartments, and 25 percent carried out isolation in hospitals / places provided by the government / private sector, and 7 percent elsewhere. , "he said.

After seeing the family cluster which is quite high and many people who are positive for COVID-19 are undergoing independent isolation in homes or apartments, Irvan asks residents who are positive for COVID-19 with no symptoms, for independent isolation in a place provided by the government. Because, it is proven when independent isolation at home or other places, it can still spread to other families.

"So, for the time being we ask for independent isolation in places provided by the government, such as the Hajj Dormitory Hotel (HAH) and the Indrapura Field Hospital," he said.

Irvan also ensured that there were still many empty rooms for the HAH managed by the Surabaya City Government. As of January 22, 2021 at 14.00 WIB, the total number of guests who were independently isolated in HAH was 10,966 people, and those who had returned were 10,662 people or 97.2 percent, and guests who were still being treated at HAH were 304 people or 3.8 percent.

"In HAH we provide three buildings, and there are still hundreds of empty rooms there. So let's just isolate in HAH, not in his house or apartment, worrying about spreading it to other families," he said.

In addition, the former Kasatpol Surabaya also suspected that the high family cluster was caused by children playing or hanging out with their friends outside the home, then returning to their home without realizing that they had become carriers.

Transmission occurs when they meet their parents and other families whose immune systems are not as strong as their children, it is even more dangerous if the parents have comorbidities, so they will be infected more quickly.

"Therefore, I beg the residents, especially young people, if it is not urgent, there is no need to go out of the house. Pity the family who will be at home, could be infected," he said.

In addition, Irvan also asked the Village Task Force for Tangguh Wani Jogo Suroboyo to impose restrictions or blocking in their respective areas if there are confirmed residents. In fact, he also asked the task force to keep records of residents who came in and out of Surabaya.

"If you are from out of town, please go to the nearest health center or go directly to the laboratory in Surabaya," he concluded.

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