MAKASSAR - The man with the initials S (20) who killed his wife S (14) with dozens of stabs in Bone, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) was arrested. This husband had the heart to kill his wife because she was hurt when she was caught chatting with an ex-lover.

"(The perpetrator) was hurt, he saw his wife holding the cellphone. The perpetrator is suspicious, the perpetrator checks his wife's cellphone, he saw the chat with the male ex-girlfriend, ”said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Bone Police AKP Ardy Yusuf, Friday, January 22.

The stabbing took place in Bukaka Village, Tanete Riattang District in November 2020. The perpetrator escaped until he was finally arrested.

"The perpetrator was arrested on Tuesday, January 19, after two months of the DPO (wanted list), the perpetrator was arrested in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan," said AKP Ardy.

This husband stabbed his wife repeatedly with badik. The victim suffered stab wounds in the neck, arms and body.

Prior to the stabbing, the perpetrator and the victim bickered on Thursday, 19 November 2020. The fight did not last long because the perpetrator's parents immediately broke up. Early in the morning on Friday, November 20, the perpetrator stabbed his wife.

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