Identity Known, Central Java Police Chase Perpetrators Of Mutilation Of Men With Dragon Tattoos
Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol M Iqbal Al Qudusy/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

JAKARTA After examining a number of witnesses and evidence, the Central Java Police pursued the perpetrators of the dragon tattoo man mutilation whose body pieces were found in Sukoharjo and Solo.

"God willing, everything will be revealed in the near future," said the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudussy, in his statement, Sunday, May 28.

Currently, said Iqbal, his party has examined as many as 21 witnesses to reveal the perpetrators of the mutilation.

"The National Police in uncovering this case uses the Scientific Crime Investigation (SCI) method so that this case can be revealed based on the evidence that can be accounted for. Including, synchronizing the statements of 21 witnesses that we have questioned," said Iqbal.

He also thanked the public and the media for their great help in uncovering the case.

As is known, there were six pieces of corpse found on the edge of the river in the Sukoharjo and Solo areas. The first part in the form of left leg was found by residents on Sunday, May 21, at 11.30 WIB on the banks of the Bengawan Solo river, Palur Mojolaban Sukoharjo.

An hour later, residents again found a second piece in the form of a human body in the Jenes river under the Kampung Waringin Rejo Bridge, Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency.

On the same day at 17.30 WIB, human head pieces were found again on the banks of the Mojo river, Kliwon Market, Solo.

At 19.00 WIB, pieces of the body in the form of left hands were again found by residents and officers who conducted a sweep not far from the location of the second discovery.

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