CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, through the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) has exempted land and building tax arrears from more than 400 thousand taxpayers who were in arrears from 1994 to 2014 with a tax value of Rp. 94 billion.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said the good news for all taxpayers in Cianjur was stated in the Decree of the Regent of Cianjur Number: 973/Kep.103-Bapenda/2022, so they only paid arrears from 2015-2022.

"The local government issued the exemption policy based on complaints and complaints from residents who objected to arrears that appeared in the UN payment record or SPPT," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

Most residents have paid UN arrears with urban and rural taxpayers when the PBB was still managed by the central government, but it is still listed as arrears because the payments made are still manual.

So that the Cianjur Regency Government takes steps to collect complaints and aspirations from residents, to obtain arrears that have previously been paid but are not included in the electronic reporting system by instructing Bapenda to take appropriate steps.

"Various efforts and stages to settle arrears of receivables, especially the United Nations, have since been transferred to the Cianjur Regency Government in 2014, including making corrections to the 2017 tax receivable record for public or social and religious facilities," he said.

His party found that the tax object or taxpayer did not have a double tax object number (NOP) whose tax was still set at around Rp 6 billion, including corrections to the 2019 tax receivable records for public or social and religious facilities.

"In 2019, the tax object or taxpayer does not have a double NOP whose tax is still set at around Rp. 8 billion. So that tax incentives are given for arrears in 1994-2014 based on the Decree of the Regent of Cianjur Number: 973/Kep.103-Bapenda/2022 amounting to Rp. 94 billion," he said.

His party asked hundreds of thousands of taxpayers whose taxes are still in arrears starting from 2015-2022 to pay their obligations because the taxes deposited will return to residents in the form of programs ranging from road construction, schools and health facilities.

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