KALTENG - Regency Government (Pemkab) Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan (Kalteng), has declared an emergency status for forest and land fires (karhutla)

Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Pulang Pisau Osa Maliki said the status determination was based on information from the BMKG that rainfall would decrease drastically in early June.

"In an effort to determine this alert status, some parties actually asked not to be wrong in determining the time, but this determination is a form of increasing preparedness in disaster management, especially forest and land fires," he said at Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan, Thursday, May 25, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, in the coordination meeting for forest and land fires control, his party was also still confused by the weather conditions in Pulang Pisau Regency.

Weather conditions cannot be fully ascertained because several areas in Central Kahayan District are still raining, while in other sub-districts the hot heat has the potential to cause the threat of forest and land fires.

"Coordination and cooperation with various related parties, of course, we strengthen our joint commitment in preventing forest and land fires in the local district," he said.

Expert Staff for Economics and Finance of the Pulang Pisau Regency Government, Reliation in the forest and land fires coordination meeting emphasized several points in the prevention and preparedness of personnel in order to build qualified capacity and capability in preventing forest and land fires.

He said the coordination meeting with various related parties was a form of preparedness status so that local districts were free of smoke. In addition, as an initial step to combine prevention and preparedness, starting from building communication to increasing the readiness capacity of all elements of society and the local government.

"Through this coordination meeting to control forest and land fires, we can take an inventory of all activity programs in the relevant OPD in preparing capacity collection planning in each region in the form of data, information, infrastructure, and logistics as well as human resources, both from government and non-governmental institutions," he said.

According to Reliation, from these points can provide an important picture that forest and land fires control efforts have great benefits for economic sustainability. Prevention efforts need to be made so as not to destroy people's livelihood activities in the event of a smog.

It should be noted, he said, based on the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo during the national coordination meeting on disaster management in Sentul Bogor, West Java on March 1, 2023, all central and regional government agencies must work together to prevent, mitigate, and increase preparedness and identify risks in disaster-prone areas to the village level.

"The local government invites all parties to jointly participate in doing their best in realizing disaster mitigation," he said.

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