TANGERANG - Police are investigating a taxi sales case suspected of extorting passengers from Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Soetta City Police, Kompol Reza Pahlevi, said the alleged perpetrators were two people. Both have the initials HS and RS.

"HS is the role of a salesperson who offers to victims who use public transportation facilities, while the RS brother is the driver of the vehicle," Reza said when confirmed, Thursday, May 24.

Even though he has pocketed the perpetrator's integrity, Reza has not been able to take further action regarding the alleged extortion. Because, the victim named Feli Zuhendri has yet to make a police report.

"However, we have coordinated with AP II as the local airport and Avsec manager to control the existence of unregistered sales activities," he concluded.

For information, an airplane passenger named Feli Zuhendri admitted to being blackmailed by a taxi driver at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Soetta) Tangerang.

Feli recounted when she arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Tangerang City. He was offered a sale which he thought was an official taxi at Soetta Airport.

"There are people standing around it, also offering it. So be careful with them, if they are not from the official counter, don't go up," Feli said when confirmed, Tuesday, May 23.

"So I got into a case like this, so I was offered to come along. The sales said later the price would just be paid to this taxi driver. Okay, the standard from Soetta to Jakarta is Rp. 350-400 thousand, depending on the traffic jam," he continued.

In the middle of the road, the taxi driver changed his license plate, the reason being that he could enter the odd-even road access. Furthermore, he began to feel suspicious, because according to him, airport taxis with various number plates could ensure odd-even road access in Jakarta.

"Once he arrived at his destination, he billed me Rp900 thousand. Luckily I have often taken taxis to Jakarta from Soetta, so I know the normal price," he said.

Feli was furious, but remained relaxed when the taxi driver asked for a tariff of Rp900 thousand. He, who felt blackmailed, had time to invite the driver to fight.

"I immediately said, "The normal price is Rp. 350-400 thousand, do you want to look for a fuss? If you want to look for a fuss, we will make a fuss, I will transport it". Because I said it was relaxed, calm down, the taxi driver was nervous myself. I said "Where is the person's phone number". The taxi driver called the sales, he didn't pick up," he said.

"So my friends can imagine that people from the regions don't understand anything, once they go up, don't deal in the price up front, until the goal is billed for Rp900 thousand. Luckily I fought back, and finally I only paid Rp. 400 thousand. I was threatened, taking photos of the person, the sales number, I said "I'm going to look for a fuss," he added.

Feli admitted that she actually wanted to prolong this problem. However, because he was tired he chose to resolve it calmly.

"Actually, I want me to make a fuss even longer. I'm just tired, I want to create content, but my content has lost so much as to calm down, so if we calm down talking casually even though we are angry, the aura that comes out is usually scary. So for friends who fly to Terminal 3, be aware," he concluded.

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