JAKARTA - The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta will immediately enact a Governor Regulation concerning bicycle lanes. After this regulation is announced, motorbikes and cars will be punished when entering the route.

Violators are threatened with Article 284 of Law Number 22 Year 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. The maximum penalty is 2 months and a maximum fine of Rp. 500 thousand.

Meanwhile, vehicles parked in the bicycle lane will be towed and threatened to pay a levy in accordance with the DKI Regional Regulation of Rp. 250 thousand for motorbikes and Rp. 500 thousand for cars.

"Yes. I will announce it will be effective," said Head of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo to reporters at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 19.

After it is promulgated, it will be included in the regional news sheet and only then will the law be enforced. This regulation is just waiting for the signature of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

The personnel have also been prepared under the name of the Lintas Jaya Team consisting of the Police, TNI and Dishub. Those who will later carry out law enforcement for this policy.

"No more warnings."


So far, not all of the 63 kilometers of bicycle paths that have been tested in three phases will be installed with barriers such as traffic cones to block bicycle lanes from other vehicles.

Syafrin said, DKI Transportation Agency only installed traffic cones in areas deemed dangerous. "The cone is one that is regulated in the governor's regulation," he said.

"For bicycle lanes, the barrier can be in the form of road markings and road markings that are solid or broken. As soon as a motorized vehicle passes the solid markers, it will automatically break," he added.

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