JAKARTA - Strict, disciplined health protocols and the application of strict sanctions are the keys to the success of PT General Energy Bali (GEB) PLTU Celukan Bawang in suppressing COVID-19 cases in the work environment.

As of Thursday, January 21, not a single employee or company leader has contracted the corona virus. The information was conveyed by the Genneral Affair of PT GEB PLTU Celukan Bawang Indriati Tanu Tanto to VOI.

"So here it is very strict. Everyone is obliged to obey the health protocol, both employees from foreign countries or from Indonesia. We also do not hesitate to reprimand. For example, if there are employees who do not wear masks, either because they forget and so on," explained Indriati.

Implementation of strict protocols at PT GEB (Source: Istimewa)

This strict process has been in effect since the beginning of the pandemic period, March 2020. Every employee who lives in the company mess is not allowed to leave unless there is a very urgent need. On the contrary. For employees who live outside, entry is prohibited and only works from home.

"The health process was very tightly guarded, until the Director of GEB apologized to the officials who were offended by being briefly detained for inspection at the entrance gate during a visit on December 29 last year," Indriati.

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have made strict regulations. As soon as foreigners are not allowed to enter our territory, starting from March, we will absolutely not go back and forth," he added.

Employee activities
Implementation of strict health protocols at PT GEB (Source: Istimewa)

Entering July 2020 to 2021, there is a little 'leeway' provided by the company without reducing the tightness of the prokes. It's just that, he continued, the leadership's permission is needed as access and exit for employees.

"Then we also have restrictions on which areas outsiders can still enter or not. Then there is a door that is specially opened because it is impossible for outsiders not to enter. But entry is limited to the field and does not reach the head office," he stressed.

Rotation of workers, whether Indonesian or Chinese citizens, also continues to do well. Within a certain period of time, there are workers in company messes who return to China or Jakarta. Well, the rotation process to work in a corporate environment goes a long way.

Implementation of health protocols in PT GEB (Source: Istimewa)

For example, continued Indriati, those returning from China had to get off in Jakarta for the week-long quarantine process. After that, just go to Bali. Arriving at the company mess, workers are required to quarantine for 14 days in the room.

"And that is not allowed to go out at all. Eating and all our needs are sent. From there it is also strict to wear PPE. It is the same for Indonesians. From Jakarta to Bali, we are also quarantined for 14 days in the room.

"After that a doctor from the nearest public health center came to check, it's true that people are healthy. If they are healthy, they can work as usual."

Indriati said, her party also routinely provides social assistance for local residents to the local government. The assistance started from rice, cooking oil, milk and instant noodles. For youth groups, for example, PT GEB provides masks to be distributed to the general public.

"We also give medical devices to the COVID-19 Task Force. Later they will distribute them," he concluded.

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