SUMBAR - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian did not extend the term of office of Acting Regent of Mentawai Martinus Dahlan for a year until the 2024 General Election but chose to replace Fernando Jongguran Simanjuntak.

The position of Martinus Dahlan as Acting Regent of Mentawai ends on May 22, 2023. His replacement is Fernando, the Head of the Center for Aquaculture, Fresh Water (BBPB).

"We have received the Minister of Tawai's Acting Regent's appointment decree through the Liaison Agency in Jakarta. Based on the decree, the Minister of Home Affairs appointed Fernando Jongguran Simanjuntak as Acting Regent of Mentawai," said Head of the Government Bureau of the West Sumatra Provincial Secretariat (West Sumatra), Doni Rahmat Samulo, in Padang, West Sumatra, Tuesday, May 23, confiscated by Antara.

Doni admitted that the name appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs was a new name and was not included in the list of names proposed by the West Sumatra Provincial Government and the Mentawai DPRD. "The West Sumatra Provincial Government immediately processed and prepared the inauguration which was planned for Wednesday, May 24. "We have prepared the inauguration. The invitation has been signed by the governor," he added.

Ahead of the inauguration, from May 22 to May 24, 2023, Mentawai Regency was led by the Regent's Daily Executive (Plh), namely Regional Secretary (Sekda) Martinus Dahlan. In 2022 the Minister of Home Affairs appointed Secretary of Mentawai Martinus Dahlan as Acting Regent according to the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 131.13-1221 of 2022 dated May 13, 2022 concerning the Appointment of Acting Regent of the Mentawai Islands of West Sumatra Province. According to the decree, the term of office of the acting Regent of the Mentawai Islands is valid only one year after the inauguration. This is in line with Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada.

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