KALIANDA - This weather is often uncertain that it can quickly develop mosquitoes. For this reason, the South Lampung Regency Government (Pemkab), Lampung Province, appealed to residents to be aware of the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) mosquitoes.
The public is asked to behave in a clean and healthy manner, as well as maintain the cleanliness of their respective environments. This was conveyed by the Head of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases at the South Lampung District Health Office, Basuki Didik Setiawan.
"We from the Health Service appeal to the entire community to always be vigilant with dengue fever, considering that currently, especially in South Lampung the weather is still irregular, sometimes at night it still rains often, making ditches and humid places flooded with water, thus accelerating the breeding of mosquitoes," he said.
He said the main cause of the existence of mosquitoes that spread dengue disease is living in an environment that is not clean, so the application of a healthy lifestyle is important, especially in places that have the potential to become mosquito nests.
To prevent more and more residents from contracting dengue fever, his party always invites the public to increase their vigilance through 3M, namely closing, draining, and burying them.
In addition, he said, people must always apply clean, and healthy living behavior (PHBS).
"Always increase the role of the community with PSN (Village Nest Eradication) activities with 3M Plus once a week drains, closes, recycles used goods that can become a place for mosquito longing," said Basuki, as quoted from Antara.
He added that to prevent the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that causes dengue fever, people can take precautions, such as applying anti-muak fluids in several parts of the body while doing activities inside and outside the home, or going to sleep.
The South Lampung District Health Office recorded 62 cases of dengue fever in the area from early January to April 2023.
"For the number of dengue cases, our party has recorded that during the early January to April 2023 there were 62 cases of dengue fever spread across all sub-districts in South Lampung Regency," he said.
He said that of the dozens of dengue cases in South Lampung, there was a significant increase in March 2023. The details were in January eight cases, February 15 cases, March 27 cases, and April 12 cases.
In preventing a spike in dengue cases in this area, his party will eradicate mosquito nests and intensively disseminate information about PHBS.
"To deal with the changing seasons, there is the potential for increasing dengue cases, so we are aggressively taking precautions by socializing PSN, monitoring periodic larvae (PJB), and conducting epidemiological investigations (PE) and doing fogging focus (centralized implementation) if according to the criteria of PE results to break the chain of transmission," he said.
He said that if there are people who experience fever, fever for no apparent reason, immediately check themselves at the nearest health care facility.
"If there are symptoms of fever and after treatment there are no changes, immediately come back to the nearest health service for further examination whether you have DHF, and especially around the residence, someone has been affected by dengue fever," he said.
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