JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives will hold a plenary meeting on Thursday at 14.00 WIB with an agenda for Level II decision making related to the National Police candidate on behalf of Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who has been proposed by President Jokowi for approval by the DPR.

Reported by Antara, Thursday, January 21, the implementation of the plenary meeting was stated in the Secretary General of the DPR RI Number: PW / 00833 / DPR RI / 2021 regarding the Invitation for the Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI on January 21, 2021.

In the letter, it was stated that the plenary meeting agenda was the report of Commission III of the DPR RI on the results of the fit and proper test for the candidate for Chief of Police, which was followed by decision making. Making these decisions will be preceded by the inauguration of members of the Indonesian Parliament as Interim replacement (PAW).

Previously, Commission III of the DPR RI approved the appointment of Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the National Police Chief after hearing the opinion of the factions at the DPR Commission III internal meeting on Wednesday, January 20.

All factions agreed with Komjen Listyo Sigit as the National Police Chief and also agreed to honorably dismiss General Idham Azis from the position of Chief of Police.

"Based on the factions' records, finally the leadership and members of Commission III of the DPR RI agreed to honorably dismiss General Idham Azis and approved the appointment of Komjen Pol. Listyo Sigit as Chief of Police," said Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI Herman Herry in an internal meeting of Commission III of the DPR. in Jakarta, Wednesday.

According to him, the decision of Commission III DPR RI will be determined in a Level II decision at the DPR Plenary Meeting in the nearest future and will be processed in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

Prior to making this decision, each representative of the faction expressed their views. All factions agreed to the appointment of Listyo Sigit as the National Police Chief. There are three factions that provide records, namely the PAN Faction, the PKS Faction and the Democratic Party Faction.

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