JAKARTA - Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo's move to become the National Police Chief to replace General Idham Azis is considered smooth. Since being presented as the sole candidate by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Wednesday, January 13, until finally it was decided by Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives to become the new National Police Chief on Wednesday, January 20, there was no sound of rejection of Kabareskrim.

The sound of applause echoed in the DPR RI Commission III meeting room after the head of the commission in charge of law Herman Hery tapped the hammer to sign Listyo Sigit's approval as the new National Police Chief replacing Idham Azis who was about to retire.

"Based on the considerations of the views and notes conveyed by the final factions, the leadership and members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission III agreed to honor the dismissal of the National Police Chief on behalf of Police General Idham Azis and approved the appointment of Police Commissioner General Listyo Sigit as Chief of Police," said the Chairman of the Commission. III DPR RI Herman Hery reading the final decision, Wednesday, January 20.

After this decision was made, Commission III moved quickly to send a letter to the DPR leadership so that a plenary meeting to endorse Listyo Sigit as the National Police Chief could be carried out immediately. Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Adies Kadir, even said that this meeting might be held Thursday, January 21 so that President Jokowi can immediately appoint his former adjutant as Tribata 1.

"If possible, as soon as possible, a plenary approval from the DPR will be carried out tomorrow and (the result, red) can be immediately sent to the President," said Adies.

Fit and proper test of the candidate for Chief of Police

Starting at 10.00 WIB, Listyo, who was present and escorted by the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis, and a number of his older brothers in an effort to show solidity within the Bhayangkara Corps, seemed to have mastered the material in his paper entitled Transformation Towards a Precise Police.

Meanwhile, precision is an acronym for the word predictive, responsibility, transparency and justice.

"I will carry out the transformation of the Polri by transforming into a polri that is predictive, responsive, and transparent with justice which we introduce with the concept of a precise Polri," said Listyo when presenting his paper.

In addition, he also explained a number of things he would do later after being inaugurated, such as establishing a national police hotline, implementing e-ticketing so that the Traffic Police would no longer need conventional ticketing to prevent irregularities, and thus creating a virtual police to provide education to netizen.

Not only that, he also touched on how to prevent terrorism in society and how to practice the law that is equal for all parties. This includes following the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding the shooting of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) army in December 2020.

For hours, Listyo explained to all Commission III DPR RI. In the end, all factions unanimously agreed to his candidacy even though there were those who provided notes on him when he assumed the position of Chief of Police later.

Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo during the fit and proper test at the DPR (Photo: Public Relations of the Police)

There are three factions that provide notes to Listyo, namely the Democratic Party Faction, the PKS Faction and the PAN Faction.

The Democratic Faction represented by the member of Commission III DPR RI Hinca Pandjaitan said that the elected police chief must be able to improve the image of the police as an instrument of the state that plays a role in maintaining security, order, upholding the law and providing protection, protection, and services to the public so that domestic security is maintained.

So that there are three notes delivered by the party bearing the mercy star, namely first the National Police candidate must improve his performance so that its members become law enforcement officers who are independent, neutral, impartial, and firm without discriminating in law enforcement.

Second, the National Police must be able to solve problems related to the issue of intolerance and radicalism in Indonesia in professional ways.

Third, the priority of the National Police is not only security in Jakarta, but the East Indonesia region must be a priority, especially the security situation and issues of human rights violations and democracy in Papua.

In addition, the National Police Chief must ensure that his institution can cooperate with other law enforcers, such as the KPK and the Attorney General's Office in eradicating corruption. "The new National Police Chief must be able to stand above all groups and interests so that justice can be felt by all Indonesian people," said Hinca.

Furthermore, from the PKS Faction represented by a member of Commission III of the DPR RI Dimyati Natakusumah explained, Polri is a legal display case in the country so that the good or bad of law is reflected in the professionalism shown by the Police in handling various problems.

He reminded the Bhayangkara Corps must be an instrument of the state that is in the middle, be fair, non-partisan, not involved in practical politics, and not become a tool of power. "The National Police Chief must always try to prove himself to make Polri a professional and proportional institution according to the law in Indonesia," said Dimyati.

He also said that the new National Police Chief must ensure that Polri reform runs. This is of course to create a Precision Police as a new concept offered by Listyo.

The third faction that gave notes was the National Mandate Party (PAN), which was presented by Syarifuddin Sudding. He said the National Police needed a leader who was strong, courteous, and had character in carrying out its objective function and role in society.

This is based on the role of the National Police in maintaining security and order, upholding the law and providing protection and services to the community.

In addition, Syarifuddin also said that there were three notes from his faction for Listyo to walk after being inaugurated. First, reforming and improving the quality of personnel professionalism as a form of internal reform within the National Police which must be continuously improved.

Second, according to him, the target of law enforcement through investigation and investigation of criminal acts as well as disclosure and settlement must be more optimal, especially in fighting drugs and terrorism.

Finally, Syarifuddin also asked Listyo Sigit to increase cooperation and coordination with the KPK and the Attorney General's Office in combating corruption.

Jokowi's reason for choosing the former aide

Meanwhile, in a different location, the reason for Jokowi to choose his former aide as a candidate for National Police Chief was finally conveyed by the Head of the Presidential Staff Office, Moeldoko. The former commander of the TNI said Listyo was chosen because of various supporting factors ranging from capability to loyalty.

"All have criteria, capacity, capability, loyalty, integrity. So from all the recognized indicators from the start, it gives rise to an aggregate and based on that aggregate a person is chosen," he said.

So, he asked that there be no polemic in the community that judged Listyo was randomly chosen by President Jokowi. According to him, this cannot be done because the top leaders of an institution have extraordinary responsibilities, so that a person who has extraordinary abilities is needed.

Moreover, said Moeldoko, leaders must also have non-negotiable loyalty to the country and have integrity.

"Those are several things that become a consideration for a person to be able to occupy the highest position in the organization. Such considerations, not others," he said.

Furthermore, Moeldoko also talked about the appointment of Listyo, who was considered to have jumped a number of his seniors in the Bhayangkara Corps. According to him, the selection of leaders is based on two approaches, firstly seniority and secondly a number of criteria that are indicators of ability.

"So surely the President has thought for a greater interest, so there are other considerations. These are options. The first choice is the seniority approach, the second option is the approach to several requirements," he said.

Listyo's steps were smooth

According to the Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review (IPR), Ujang Komarudin, this smooth move could not be separated from Jokowi's stance to embrace parties in parliament as his coalition.

"We know that the DPR is currently filled with parties from the government coalition," he said in a written statement received by VOI.

"So, Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo's path will certainly run smoothly in the Indonesian Parliament until he becomes the new National Police Chief," he added.

Despite taking a straight path, Ujang reminded Listyo to prepare himself to face various challenges in the future from both internal and external.

"The first challenge comes from internally. Internal police must be repaired and reformed. Not only institutionally, but I see a lot of friction, a lot of office politics, a lot of political intrigue," he said.

According to Ujang, these internal challenges must be resolved smoothly and elegantly to prevent internal competition. Moreover, Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo passed many senior generals within the National Police.

Meanwhile, external challenges, he said, were related to a number of problems that had to be resolved by the new National Police, starting from issues of security, law enforcement, extremism and terrorism, human rights violations, corruption and others.

"These challenges need to be resolved properly by the new Chief of Police so that public trust in the National Police institution can recover," he concluded.

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