Bali Police said dentist I Ketut Arik Wiantara (53), an ex-convict, had abortions for 1,338 women from 2006 to 2023.

"The person concerned reasoned because he had practiced this practice, so from word of mouth this patient came and asked for help. The reason concerned himself was because he saw that these children were still in high school, studying, so he felt sorry for the children what their future would be like. His intention was to help but to help the wrong one," said Deputy Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Bali Regional Police AKBP Ranefli Dian Candra as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 15.

Ranefli said that apart from high school and college children, the suspect, who was not included as a member of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), had served an abortion request from a woman who was a victim of rape.

Ranefli said that the third illegal abortion was carried out by the suspect IKAW doctor. In 2006, the suspect doctor IKAW had been first and imprisoned for 2.5 years based on the judge's sentence at the Denpasar District Court. In the second act, the suspect was arrested in 2009 and imprisoned for six years.

After being released from the sentence, the suspect admitted to carrying out the activity again in 2020.

According to Ranefli's statement, the tariff for each patient is an average of Rp. 3.8 million and the illegal practice is carried out by the suspect at his residence on Padang Luwih Street, Dalung, North Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali.

"On average it is not in the form of a fetus, it is still in the form of a orok. Because a maximum of 2-3 weeks have come to this practice. So, it is still a clot of blood, after being taken directly (disposed) in the window," said the former Tabanan Police Chief.

From the investigator's examination, said Ranefli, he reasoned that he had an abortion because he received a request from the patient.

Before performing the abortion, the suspect first examined the health of each patient so that there would be no death to the patient because according to the suspect's confession, there were patients who died during the abortion. Due to the patient's death, the suspect was arrested in 2009.

"Before the operation, they had a health check, including checking the ore or the fetus. Consultation, came, saw the patient's condition. If it was big (the content) he did not dare to say. Because of his second experience of being arrested, there were patients who died so he was careful," said Wadirkrimsus Bali Police Ranefli.

According to Ranefli's statement, the suspect's abortion was carried out within five minutes after a series of examinations of patients.

The suspect, doctor IKAW, was arrested after the Bali Police Criminal Investigation Unit received information that it started with an advertisement on one of the websites related to the practice of abortion by doctor initial A located on Jalan Raya Padang Luwih, Dalung, North Kuta, Badung. After reconnaissance, finally on Monday 8 May 2023 at 21.30 WITA, investigators raided the location and found that Doctor A had just carried out the abortion practice.

"In his activities, the person concerned was assisted by his assistant who served as a cleaner," said Ranefli.

Currently, the suspect IKAW is being held at the Bali Police detention center with the threat of multiple sentences for violating Article 77 Juncto Article 73 paragraph (1), Article 78 Juncto 73 paragraph (2) concerning Medical Practices and Article 194 Juncto Article 75 paragraph (2) Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 10 billion.

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