JAKARTA - Two foreign nationals (WNA) from the United States, Kristen Antoinette Gray, were deported from Bali for violating immigration.

"There are four immigration officers who flew to Jakarta, while later from Jakarta to America at 06.30 WIB by American Air via Tokyo," said Christian lawyer Antoinette Gray, Erwin Siregar, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 20.

Erwin said the two Americans had undergone a COVID-19 swab test and the results were negative, which he received after waiting for approximately six hours.

In the process of deportation, Kristen Antoinette Gray and Saundra Michelle Alexander maintained their innocence.

"He (Kristen Gray) said that he was innocent. If it was considered a mistake he apologized," said Erwin.

Until now, the Immigration Office in the area of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Bali has not provided further information regarding the deportation.

Earlier on Tuesday, January 19, the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk, said that based on the results of the inspection conducted by the TPI Denpasar Class I Immigration Office, the foreigner had disseminated information which was considered disturbing the public.

There is also information in the form of LGBTQF (queer friendly), which in Bali Province provides comfort and no problem and easy access to Indonesian territory during the pandemic.

The two citizens of the United States are suspected of violating Article 75 paragraph 1 of Law Number 6 Year 2011 concerning Immigration.

In addition, Kristen Gray is also suspected of carrying out business activities through the sale of e-books and the installation of Bali tourism consulting rates so that she can be subject to sanctions in accordance with Article 122 letter a of Law Number 6 Year 2011 concerning Immigration.

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