Pangandaran Regent Jeje Wiradinata spoke about teachers in Pangandaran, West Java, resigning as state civil servants (ASN) because they claimed to have received threats after disclosing allegations of illegal levies (extortion).

Jeje said he would take firm action against those who dare to commit extortion to teachers in Pangandaran.

"Of course I will take firm action, especially if there is an act of intimidation, it is very embarrassing," Jeja said when contacted via cell phone, Wednesday, May 10, as reported by Antara.

He said that he had received a report from an aide regarding the presence of ASN Husein Ali Rafsanjani (27) teacher who reported on extortion for activities to participate in basic training for CPNS in Bandung City.

The ASN teacher, said the Regent, reportedly sent a letter of resignation as an ASN teacher because he felt intimidated by certain parties regarding the report on the extortion case.

"I just heard about it two days ago, yesterday after my aide said there was a video I saw, found out internally by the government, Disdik, what really happened," said the Regent.

He conveyed that he had contacted the ASN teacher to clarify the problem of extortion from his point of view, then it would be discussed in one meeting with another.

Officially, he continued, Husein was asked to attend the scheduled meeting, Thursday, May 11, to clarify the issue from start to finish so that it can be clearly known from the party concerned.

"On Thursday (May 11) I met at Pangandaran to discuss the problem, I also need an explanation from Kang Husein," he said.

If the result is an indication of extortion, said the Regent, of course there will be strict sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations, because extortion within local governments is not allowed, and every activity of course has prepared a budget allocation.

Regarding proposing his resignation letter, said the Regent, he has not yet received it, the file is also not on the table for the approval of the regional head, so Husein is still a teacher ASN.

"Until today, it is not on my desk regarding his resignation letter, because his resignation must have approval and the reason is clear," he said.

He revealed that Pangandaran Regency as a new autonomous region certainly regrets the existence of teachers who resign in the midst of the current needs of teachers.

Teachers in Pangandaran, he said, in 2022 there were around 500 people who retired, so Pangandaran needed teachers to carry out educational activities for children in Pangandaran.

He conveyed that the Pangandaran Regency Government proposed a fairly large quota for the recruitment of ASN teacher formations so that their existence could run the education system in Pangandaran.

With the extortion case and feeling intimidated, the teacher chose to resign, the Regent regretted it, because being an ASN was not easy, as well as the government preparing a budget that was not small for the recruitment of CPNS teacher formations.

"This dynamic is extraordinary, it concerns principles," he said.

Previously, Husein Ali Rafsanjani (27), a young ASN teacher in Pangandaran Regency, chose to resign as a local district government ASN because he did not want to withdraw reports of alleged extortion practices he experienced in the Pangandaran Regency Government.

Through social media, Husein said that the incident began in 2020 when he, who had just received a letter of assignment as an ASN in the Pangandaran Regency Government, had to take part in basic training in the city of Bandung.

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