JAKARTA - The trial of the pledge of divorce for the divorce of members of the DPD RI Tamsi Linrung and Ine Ratu Fadilah had to be postponed because Tamsil was not present at the trial. This also made Ine Ratu Fadilah disappointed. For him, Tamsil was deliberately absent, because he wanted to buy time.

"My ex-husband has clearly bought time," said the mother of three, sobbing to reporters at the Religious Court, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 9.

Ine explained that the legal facts related to polygamy marriage by Tamsil Linrung were actually illegal legally.

This is supported by a Statement Letter from an expert witness, a Statement Letter from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, the Head of the South Jakarta Cilandak KUA and based on the provisions of Law No. 16 of 2019 article 3 paragraph (2) which states that a husband will have more than one wife, as referred to in Article 3 paragraph (2) of this law, must submit an application to the Court in the area where he lives.

"Because it is clear that the facts are real and responsible for moral disabilities, they cannot sue for court divorce," he said.

He revealed that the result of the system's unclear legal basis had an impact on the lives of his children who were not supported by Tamsil.

"These are my children, of course, who are victims, of their decision. They left us out, they didn't donate either. I was forced systemally to accept that decision," he concluded.

For information, the story of the household began when Tamsil Linrung married Ine. The marriage was only recorded at the Cilandak KUA, South Jakarta in 2009.

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