JAKARTA - On the sidelines of the 42nd ASEAN Summit (KTT) in Labuan Bajo, DPR Speaker Puan Maharani made a soft call with the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Haji Abdul Rahman.

The second meeting took place at the Komodo Resort And Spa platform located in the Labuan Bajo area, West Manggarai, NTT, Tuesday, May 9 afternoon.

In the meeting with the Secretary General of the Southeast Asian parliamentary forum, Puan expressed her support for the Youth Standing Committee, a committee under AIPA. According to her, the Youth Standing Committee can advance the quality of the younger generation regarding the use and technology of digital.

"This committee will accommodate the active participation of young people in the development of ASEAN. The goal is to gather ideas, opinions and aspirations of young people who are future leaders," said Puan.

Bung Karno's grandson also emphasized the importance of youth participation in Southeast Asia in every resolution that will be initiated by Youth Standing Committee. Puan also encouraged the idea of the committee being adopted in the 44th AIPA General Assembly which will be held on 5-10 August 2023 in Jakarta.

The resolution is expected to be a guide for AIPA member countries in making policies related to youth in the region or outside the region.

"This resolution must address various important issues related to youth in Southeast Asia, such as education, job opportunities, entrepreneurship, access to technology and information, human rights and environmental sustainability," he said.

In addition, Puan also highlighted the joining of Timor Leste in ASEAN membership. As is known, before officially becoming a member of ASEAN in 2022, Timor Leste has been actively involved in various ASEAN activities. At the 37th ASEAN Summit meeting which was held virtually on 12-15 November 2020, Timor Leste was also present as a full member for the first time.

"Information and developments related to Timor Leste membership will be our concern at the AIPA General Assembly in August," explained Puan.

The Indonesian House of Representatives will host the 44th AIPA General Assembly, 5-10 August 2023 in Jakarta, with the theme 'Responsive Parliament for A Stable and Prosperous ASEAN'. Puan hopes that the AIPA session in Jakarta will be able to contribute to the cooperation of countries in the region.

"I hope that AIPA will always be able to help encourage ASEAN integration by strengthening the three pillars of ASEAN, namely politics and security, economy, and social-culture," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.

"As a regional legislative body, AIPA plays an important role in promoting economic, political, social and cultural cooperation between ASEAN member countries," added Puan.

After the meeting with the Secretary General of AIPA, Puan was scheduled to meet parliamentary representatives of AIPA members and their delegates to hold a preparatory meeting.

In this Preparatory Meeting, all delegates present will review the initial draft of the AIPA message or AIPA Message prepared by the AIPA Secretariat and the host country.

Later, the AIPA Message or AIPA Message which has been approved by all representatives of the Southeast Asian parliament will be read out by Puan as Chair of AIPA in 2023 at the ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting meeting in front of 11 ASEAN state leaders.

In addition to attending the ASEAN-AIPA Leaders Interface Meeting, Puan and AIPA representatives will hold other meetings, such as the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs (AIPACODD) Meeting 6th, The Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (WAIPA) Meeting.

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