Lampung - Lampung Provincial residents have asked that the agricultural business roads in their area be repaired to support the growth of the regional agricultural sector.

Nyoman Sudiasa, a resident in Seputih Raman, Central Lampung, said that after the government repaired the provincial, district roads, it was also hoped that it could pay attention to village roads and farming businesses.

"I am very happy with the visit of the President who came to see firsthand the damaged road conditions in our village," he said Friday, May 5, as reported by Antara.

"We as the community also ask the government to repair village roads and farming business roads, after completing other priority roads," he continued.

He explained, improving the farming business road can make it easier for people, most of whom work as farmers, to cultivate their agricultural land.

"If this is repaired, it will certainly make it easier for us to cultivate land and sell agricultural products," he said.

Another resident, Indra, said the same thing.

"In addition to regency, city and provincial roads. It is also necessary to repair the farming business road, because this really helps us in running agricultural land," he added.

According to him, with this, agricultural land will be more productive, and the distribution of agricultural products will be wider.

President Jokowi visited Lampung Province today. The people of Central Lampung Regency were enthusiastic about welcoming the arrival of the head of state during their visit to Rumbia District, Central Lampung Regency.

The enthusiasm of the public to see the arrival of the head of state can be seen from the crowds of people along the road that President Jokowi went through with his entourage.

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