JAKARTA - The police said that the motive behind the spread of pornographic content on social media by a COVID-19 patient with the initials JM was simply seeking existence.

"One of the reasons is that they want to exist, or they are looking for friends to play with," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Burhanuddin to reporters, Tuesday, January 19.

By uploading the screenshot, the suspect hopes that other people will like him and have a relationship with him. But the opposite happened.

While the suspect JM said that the reason for uploading the screenshot was just for fun. He admitted that he did not expect anything after uploading it.

"At first just for fun. (Hope) is not there," he said

In this case, the police named a COVID-19 patient with the initials JM as a suspect. JM who uploaded a screenshot of a conversation with a health worker (health worker) Wisma Athlete with a pornographic element to social media.

Meanwhile, no suspect was named as a suspect. The reason is that there are no articles or laws that can ensnare him.

The suspect JM is charged with Article 36 concerning pornography and Article 45 paragraph 1 and Article 27 paragraph 1 concerning ITE with a maximum prison sentence of 6 years and a fine of IDR 1 billion.

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