JAKARTA - This morning, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo led the National Education Day commemoration ceremony which he last played at the Central Java Governor's Office Courtyard. Ganjar gave three important points to develop the world of education in Central Java.

The first point is that access to education must be more and more equitable, and those who cannot afford it must be assisted by the state. Ganjar emphasized that easy access to education must be available to all people, without exception.

This is important so that everyone can access education and get the same opportunity to develop their potential.

"Education access must be more and more evenly distributed and those who cannot afford it must be assisted by the state," said Ganjar in his statement, Tuesday, May 2.

During his tenure, Ganjar was known to have made various efforts to realize quality education in Central Java. For example, Ganjar charged tuition fees for schools in Central Java. In fact, private schools also did not escape Ganjar's attention.

Not only that, this PDIP politician is also very concerned about teachers and honorary employees in the educational environment. He even disbursed hundreds of billions to honorary teachers and employees.

The policy made, for example, stipulates that the honorarium for Teachers does not remain according to the regional UMK plus 10 percent. For employees, they do not still get rights according to their respective UMKs. In the past, they only received Rp. 200 thousand, now they have Rp. 2.3 million per month or even more.

In addition, Ganjar also disbursed incentives of Rp. 247.6 billion for more than 200 thousand Koran and madrasah diniyah teachers in Central Java.

Furthermore, in the ceremony, Ganjar also emphasized the importance of following the times, including technological innovations used in the world of education.

For this reason, Ganjar hopes that the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Central Java Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) can be optimized to support the creations and innovations created by young people, especially students, to maximize their abilities.

Based on the data, the opportunity for Central Java residents to enter universities has also increased rapidly. If accumulated, the school participation rate for mudia children aged 19-23 years in Central Java increased by 12 percent in the Ganjar era.

The Human Development Index in the Ganjar era also increased from 68.78 percent in 2014 to 72.79 percent in 2022.

Ganjar also emphasized the importance of collaboration between BRIN, BRIDA, and universities to solve unresolved problems. He emphasized that research should be deeper so that it can produce innovations that are beneficial to the community.

More than that, Ganjar also emphasized the importance of maintaining adaptation and manners to teachers and parents in the world of education. According to him, this is part of an effort to create self-integration, so that students have knowledge and abilities that go hand in hand with personality.

Ganjar emphasized that the values of character, such as respect for parents and love for the nation and state, must be instilled from an early age in order to form politeness and acidity for all students.

"Remember, there is a care that must be possessed so that the politeness of all student students is instilled from an early age. Including respect for parents, love for the nation and state that is something we want to convey today on this Education Day," said Ganjar.

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