JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri opens the possibility of a new suspect in the Grab Toko case. Investigators are still investigating witness statements and instructions.

"Until now, investigators are investigating evidence and examining witnesses, including the possibility of new suspects being investigated," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Tuesday, January 19.

Investigators have examined a number of parties. Finally, investigators examined two people who were victims of Grab Toko, on Monday, January 18.

"Until now, two victims have been investigated. YMH (30) with a loss of Rp71,690,500 and US (52) with a loss of Rp. 11,298,500," said Ahmad.

Previously, investigators named the owner of Grab Toko, Yudha Manggala Putra as a suspect in this case. He is suspected of embezzling Rp17 billion in consumer money.

Yudha's mode of crime was by creating an online shopping website. The site lists various electronic goods at low prices so as to attract potential buyers.

But when a prospective buyer orders goods, the majority of buyers never receive the item they want. So, those who feel cheated report it. The report is registered under the number LP / B / 0019 / I / 2021 / Bareskrim.

In this case, Yudha was charged with Article 45 Paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 28 Paragraph 1 of Law 19/2016 on Electronic Information and Transactions.

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