JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) agrees with the presidential candidate (candidate) supported by its party, Ganjar Pranowo, regarding the criteria for the vice presidential candidate to have a vision with him.

Chairman of the PPP DPP Achmad Baidowi or Awiek said that the vice presidential candidate accompanying Ganjar must have the capability, quality and electability that can cover the shortage of PDI-P presidential reading.

"So it is hoped that the vice presidential candidate can support Pak Ganjar's victory," said Awiek, Monday, May 1. However, Awiek hopes that the vice presidential candidate can represent the Islamic group to complete Ganjar from the nationalist circle.

"So because Mr. Ganjar is already a nationalist, his deputy must be an Islamic group, so that they complement each other," said Awiek.

"Pak Ganjar is focused on his Islamic nationalists, his religious and Islamic groups are worked on by the vice presidential candidate," he continued.

Previously, Ganjar Pranowo mentioned the criteria for the vice presidential candidate who would accompany him in the upcoming presidential election. One of them, must be a vision with him.

"(The criteria) are like me. One vision," said Ganjar in the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) area, Jakarta, Sunday, April 30, morning.

However, Ganjar did not explain what kind of vision he would initiate later. "Not yet, there is no vision and mission yet," said Ganjar.

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