JAKARTA - The government is asked to trace the whereabouts of 20 Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are suspected of being victims of job vacancy fraud (jobscam) in Myanmar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) in collaboration with the Police and relevant stakeholders is expected to move quickly.

"I ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be assisted by the National Police to immediately trace information about 20 Indonesian citizens suspected of being victims of fraud in job vacancies abroad," said Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, Friday, April 28.

Puan said Indonesia could take advantage of diplomatic relations with Myanmar in investigating information about this case. Puan reminded that the safety of Indonesian citizens who are abroad must be a priority.

"With diplomatic relations, we hope that the whereabouts of Indonesian citizens who are suspected of being treated should not be found quickly," he said.

News about the existence of 20 Indonesian citizens who were victims of criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO) in Myanmar circulated on social media. In this viral information, a group of Indonesian citizens is said to be trapped in Myanmar.

The video was uploaded to a social media account that allegedly belonged to one of the victims. They claim to be a jobscam victim and are currently being held captive. In the video, the victim also stated that he often received physical violence.

This information must be followed up immediately. Do not let them be humiliated, let alone they declare that they are being held captive and tortured. It has seized someone's independence. It is the duty of the State to protect its citizens wherever they are," said Puan.

He added that the Government must also accommodate the return of Indonesian citizens trapped in Myanmar if the information is proven true. Puan said the government must be able to ensure the safety of all Indonesian citizens who are suspected of being held captive.

"If the information is valid and the whereabouts of Indonesian citizens are known, the government must accommodate their return by collaborating with law enforcement, including relevant agencies in the country where the Indonesian citizens are located," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Currently, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has coordinated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Directorate General of Immigration regarding the alleged TIP case in Myanmar. The National Police has also recorded victims through their families and prepared plans to investigate the case.

The police and agencies related to migrant workers also need to provide assistance to the families of the victims. Moreover, the perpetrator is said to have asked for a ransom of quite a lot so that the victim could go home," added Puan.

Bung Karno's grandson ensured that the Indonesian House of Representatives would continue to oversee the case of alleged confinement of dozens of Indonesian citizens in Myanmar. Moreover, said Puan, the TIP case under the pretext that Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) have occurred very often.

"The crime of TIP between countries is not just this once. The government and law enforcers must be able to resolve it to its roots. Eradicating all trafficking syndicates so that similar incidents do not happen again," he said.

On the other hand, Puan appealed to Indonesian people who want to make a fortune in their country to be careful when receiving offers. If you want to become PMI, people are asked to follow the legal route.

"Don't be easily lured by a large salary and the ease of requirements. Make sure first the truth of the job offer, then the parties behind it. If it's not from an official institution, it should be suspected of possible fraud," said Puan.

The government is also asked to increase literacy and socialization to the public regarding all matters related to migrant work. With good education, according to Puan, the public will increasingly understand and not easily fall into TIP practices.

"Intensify socialization, especially in the regions because many PMIs come from there. This is a shared responsibility. Both from the Central Government, Regional Government, law enforcement, to representatives of the Government abroad," he concluded.

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